#Portal and portal 2 cheats full
The full trailer of the Co-op bots as seen at PAX 2010 Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack DLC Co-op Test Chamber 5 Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack DLC Co-op Test Chamber 6 See also. Portal 2: Co-Op - Full Game Walkthrough - YouTub On both the computers enable Developer Console by. In it, the two testing androids ATLAS and P-body of the Cooperative Testing Initiative carry out a series of tests in six different courses, each consisting of about eight or nine chambers The best part of Portal 2 is the co-op mode by which 2 players can play it over a network, but the problem is, it's not a cup of tea to connect 2 PCs over LAN via Co-Op mode ! Follow the steps below to play the game over LAN : (1) Decide which computer will act as host and which one as client. Pictures: Step one: Play cooperative game Step two: Press X (SQUARE on a PS3 controller) on the controller The co-op campaign is set after the events of Portal 2 's single player campaign. To play it, all you need is a couple controllers, go Play Co-op game and press X (SQUARE on PS3 controller) on the second controller.
#Portal and portal 2 cheats Pc
Hope my guide helps, please leave a rating dependant on how you thought this guide was, and leave a comment if you wish Yes, there is an offline splitscreen co-op mode in the PC version of Portal 2.
Alternatively, you can go straight to the YouTube Playlist here.
Use the sections on the right to navigate to the level of which you require, and play the video. Hello, and welcome to my Portal 2 Co-op Walkthrough. Full Playthrough Portal 2 Co Op in a Single Video, Max Graphical Detail, 1080p60 with NO Deaths.★★★ Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE ★★★ Thanks :)Join us on.